Technical Analysis Findings and Review Guide
The Technical Analysis Guideline is intended to serve as a working document for the development, analysis and final production of the TA document for the Permit.

Submittals Format Guide - Utah Coal Regulatory Program
The Division is requesting that all permit applications, changes, renewal, transfers or bond release applications follow the procedures and format requirements outlined in this document. The Division may return applications that do not meet format requirements according to the Utah Coal Mining Rules, (see R645-301-121.300).

Guidelines for Submitting Applications with Private / Protected / Confidential Information
Learn to protect and separate confidential information in mine plan information submittals.

General Guidelines for Electronic Permitting and Document Conversion
Suggestions for preparing and submitting documents in an electronic format.

The Practical Guide to Reclamation in Utah
The beginning of the new millennium marks 25 years of mining regulation in Utah. Since its start, reclamation of mined lands has been both 'trial and error' and heavily reliant upon application of existing technologies for restoring game range, or seeding after wildfire and other land disturbances. In this 25 years, hundreds of diverse mined land disturbances have been restored and reclaimed by mine operators and by agency effort cleaning up abandoned and bond-forfeited mines. At every site, some lesson was learned about how the next site could be done better. This manual represents an attempt to capture the very best methods which have been successful on the ground. The work, the successes, and the failures have all helped to write this guide. We hope you will find this collective learning experience of use in reclaiming your mine site.
Document Size - 7.59 MB. In Acrobat PDF format.

Final Soil Guideline
Guidelines for Management of Topsoil and Overburden.