Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining Approved Commercial Disposal Facility and Commercial Disposal Well Locations June 4, 2021 (updated)

*Brennan Bottom Disposal99 S22 EUINTAHGlen Bench
*Brennan Bottom Disposal196 S21 EUINTAH12 Mile Wash
**Contract Environmental Services In1839 S26 ESAN JUANHovenweep
***Dalbo, Inc26 S20 EUINTAHAce Disposal
***Dalbo, Inc59 S22 EUINTAHGlen Bench South
*Eastern Water Solutions, LLC126 S19 EUINTAHEastern Water Solutions
**Environmental Energy Innovations184 S2 WDUCHESNESouth Myton Bench Landfarm
***Integrated Water Management LLC302 S 4 WDUCHESNEIWM North Blue Bench
SWDIntegrated Water Management LLC302 S5 WDUCHESNEIWM SWD 3-30 B4 Well
***LaPoint Recycle & Storage125 S19 EUINTAHLapoint
*Monarch Natural Gas, LLC299 S18 EUINTAHEight Mile Flat
*Monarch Natural Gas, LLC369 S18 EUINTAHDesert Springs
*Montezuma Well Services Inc1440 S22 ESAN JUANRecapture Brine Disposal
*Owl Swd Operating, LLC820 S24 EGRANDDanish Flats
*R N Industries59 S22 EUINTAHGlen Bench North
*R N Industries268 S21 EUINTAHWonsit
*R N Industries264 S3 WDUCHESNEPleasant Valley
*R N Industries3610 S20 EUINTAHSeep Ridge
*R N Industries29 S22 EUINTAHChapita
SWDSage Water Resources, LLC133 S5 WDUCHESNEBlue Bench 13-1 Well
SWDT.E.S. Water Injection, LLC2030 S25 ESAN JUANFederal 1-20 Well
SWDWater Disposal Inc.321 S1 WDUCHESNEHarmston 1-32A1 Well
SWDWater Disposal Inc.51 S1 WDUCHESNEHelen Larsen 2-5A1
***Water Recovery, LLC304 S2 WDUCHESNEPleasant Valley
***Western Water Solutions LLC94 S1 WDUCHESNESand Pass Ranch
*Facility is approved to accept only produced water and associated RCRA exempt fluids.