Cooperative Studies
- Effects of Saline-Wastewater Injection on Water Quality in the Altamont-Bluebell Oil and Gas Field, Duchesne County, Utah, 1990-2005 (USGS 2007)
- Methane Gas Concentration in Soil and Ground Water, Carbon and Energy Counties, Utah, 1995-2003 (USGS 2006)
- Monitoring for Methane Gas in Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah, 1995 - 2003 (USGS 2006)
Data Lists & Information Sheets
- Database Codes (well status, well type, etc.)
- Field Staff/Inspectors - Areas of Responsibility
- Oil and Gas Active Operators List (active company operators)
- Oil and Gas Field List
- Oil and Gas Recovery Incentives
- Producing Formations List
- Production Sales Values
- Production Tax Description Summary
- Waste Disposal Facilities - Contact Information
- Waste Disposal Facilities - Locations
Handbooks & Guidance Documents
- Manual of Back-Pressure Testing of Gas WElls (IOGCC)
- Environment Handbook - Oil & Gas Exploration (*This handbook has been replaced by the guidance documents listed below.
- Guidance Document: Permitting a Class II Injection Well
- Guidance Document: Cleanup Level Selection Guidance
- Guidance Document: Cleanup Levels Summary
- Guidance Document: Five Year E&P Waste Disposal Facility Permit Renewals
- Five Year E&P Waste Disposal Facility Permit Renewal Checklist
- Five Year E&P Waste Disposal Facility Bond Calculation Summary Form
- Guidance Document: Incident Reporting
- Guidance Document: Landfarm Guidance
- Onsite Pit Guidance
- Guidance Document: Standard Annulus Pressure Test Guidance
- Guidance Document: Step Rate Test Guidance
- Guidance Document: Cleanup Level Interactive Toolsheet
- Guidance Document: Onsite Pits Interactive Toolsheet
- Guidance Document: Reserve Pit Closure (In Review)
- Guidance Document: Well Site Restoration (In Review)
- Guidance Document: Determining Surface Casing Setting Depths (In Review)
- Workover Tax Credit Application Process (Form 15 Procedure)